Sea Conditions at
Long Island, New York USA
Latitude 40 degrees 53.59 minutes North
Longitude 72 degrees 20.23 minutes West
Page last updated 12/31/1969 18:00 CST
Station status 9/13/2024: The Mecox system is operating at
reduced functionality pending a renewed intergovernmental agreement.
Crescent Avenue, Flying Point Rd, and the mid-bay floating platform are not operating.
The weather station at Scott Cameron Beach is functioning properly. We regret any inconvience.
Crescent Avenue, Flying Point Rd, and the mid-bay floating platform are not operating.
The weather station at Scott Cameron Beach is functioning properly. We regret any inconvience.
Weather Observations at Scott Cameron Beach. | |||
Time | Last Updated on Mar 27 2025, 11:10 pm EDT | Maximum, last 24 hr | Minimum, last 24 hr |
Average wind speed | 7.0 mph |
29.0 mph at 3:13pm |
Wind direction | West : 270 deg true | ||
Air temperature | 39.3 deg F (4.1 deg C) |
48.6 deg F (9.22 deg C) at 4:49pm |
35.1 deg F (1.72 deg C) at 6:52am |
Barometric pressure | 30.243 in Hg (1024.1 mbar) |
30.245 in Hg (0 mbar) at 11:00pm |
30.135 in Hg (0 mbar) at 12:12am |
Barometer - 1 hour trend | Steady |
Phase of the Moon
Sunrise: 06:41 AM EDT
Sunset: 07:13 PM EDT
- Real-time data are unchecked and preliminary. Please read this disclaimer.
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