Conditions at
Stony Brook University Stony Brook, New York USA
Latitude 40o53.7' North
Longitude 73o7.4' West
Page last updated 03/28/2025 00:03 EDT
Station now reporting in zone local (EDT/EST).
Heat index and wind chill displays have been added.
Heat index and wind chill displays have been added.
Weather Observations at Lot 40 (South P) Soccer Building | |||
Time | 03/28 00:03 EDT | Maximum, last 24 hr | Minimum, last 24 hr |
Average wind speed | 3 mph |
1 mph at 03/27 20:18 |
Wind gust | 23 mph |
10 mph at 03/28 06:17 |
Wind direction | W : 271 deg true | ||
Air temperature | 35.2 deg F (1.8 deg C) |
45.7 deg F
(7.6 deg C) at 03/27 20:00 |
35.2 deg F
(1.8 deg C) at 03/28 00:00 |
Relative humidity | 48 % |
52 % at 03/27 22:47 |
32 % at 03/27 20:00 |
Barometric pressure | 30.44 in Hg (1031 mbar) |
30.44 in Hg
(1031 mbar) at 03/27 21:37 |
30.41 in Hg
(1030 mbar) at 03/27 20:00 |
Barometric pressure trend | Falling | ||
Rainfall last 24 hours | 0 | ||
Heat index | 35.2 deg F (1.8 deg C) |
45.7 deg F
(7.6 deg C) at 03/27 20:00 |
Wind chill | 35.2 deg F (1.8 deg C) |
35.2 deg F
(1.8 deg C) at 03/28 00:00 |
Weather Forecast for Stony Brook, NY
Tonight![]() Mostly Cloudy then Chance Very Light Rain |
Lo 39 °F |
Friday![]() Partly Sunny |
Hi 58 °F |
Friday Night ![]() Chance Rain Showers |
Lo 44 °F |
Saturday![]() Chance Rain Showers |
Hi 73 °F |
Saturday Night ![]() Slight Chance Rain Showers |
Lo 44 °F |
Sunday![]() Slight Chance Rain Showers then Mostly Cloudy |
Hi 55 °F |
Phase of the Moon
Sunrise: 06:40 AM EDT
Sunset: 07:14 PM EDT
- Real-time data are unchecked and preliminary. Please read this disclaimer.
- Weather forecast provided by the US National Weather Service in Upton, NY.
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Thanks to those who have already written.
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